El Mundaneum es concebido como un objeto arquitectónico que puede existir en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento debido a su naturaleza virtual. Inspirado por Le Corbusier y Paul Otlet, utiliza permutaciones espaciales dinámicas y el Sistema de Clasificación Decimal Universal, integrando las permutaciones del cubo de Rubik y el principio del panóptico dentro del metaverso.
The Mundaneum is conceived as an architectural object that can exist anywhere at any time due to its virtual nature. Inspired by Le Corbusier and Paul Otlet, it uses dynamic spatial permutations and the Universal Decimal Classification System, integrating Rubik’s cube permutations and the panopticon principle within the metaverse.
The Mundaneum is conceived as an architectural object that can exist anywhere at any time due to its virtual nature. Inspired by Le Corbusier and Paul Otlet, it uses dynamic spatial permutations and the Universal Decimal Classification System, integrating Rubik’s cube permutations and the panopticon principle within the metaverse.